Przedstawiono informację o stanie zaawansowania budowy sieci Natura 2000 w Polsce i w całej Unii Europejskiej, a także o działaniach podejmowanych ostatnio w zakresie wdrażania sieci w naszym kraju. Działania te obejmowały uzupełnianie listy i dokumentacji obszarów Natura 2000, a także prace inwentaryzacyjne i monitoringowe, prowadzone dla poprawy stanu wiedzy o zasobach siedlisk przyrodniczych i gatunków Natura 2000. Zaszły też zmiany w podstawach prawnych i organizacyjnych funkcjonowania sieci, a także w planowaniu ochrony na obszarach Natura 2000. Poinformowano również o dalszych pracach, dotyczących sieci Natura 2000, przewidzianych do realizacji w najbliższym czasie
Five years will have passed soon since Poland adopted a legislation designed to implement Natura 2000 – an ecological network of protected areas in the territory of the European Union (EU). The network has two components: (1) Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for conservation of birds, and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) designated for conservation of other species and natural habitat types. SPAs and SACs are designated in accordance with the Birds Directive 79/409/EWG and Habitats Directive 92/43/EWG, respectively. EU Member States have proposed designation of over 26 600 Natura 2000 sites so far, covering a total of about 1 173 900 km2. SPAs (5 004 in total) occupy 10.5% of the EU territory. The lists of SPAs are just completed in the following seven countries: Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Italy. On the other hand, SACs (21 612 sites in total) cover 13.3% of the EU territory. The complete lists of SACs have been prepared merely by five countries so far. They are: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Poland has declared designation of nearly 500 Natura 2000 sites with the total cover amounting to 18% of the territory of the country. All areas important for birds according to criteria of Birds Directive were formally designated as SPAs (141 in total) by the ordinance of the Ministry of Environment. The list of SPAs is considered as almost complete. However, the list of areas meeting the criteria of the Habitats Directive and accepted by the European Commission as Sites of Community Importance (364 sites) is still highly incomplete. The Supreme Chamber of Control conducted a control in 59 units of the state administration in 2007, concerning the implementation of the Natura 2000 network in Poland. Results of the control showed that the policies had not set up conditions for the proper functioning of the Natura 2000 network in our country. Fortunately, the state administration intensified work on the network during the last three years, mostly in the following areas: – inventory of Annex I habitat types and Annex II species, – completing the lists of SPAs and pSCIs on the basis of Shadow Lists that have been gradually developed by non-governmental organizations or/and the results of the already finished wildlife inventories, – monitoring the conservation status of Annex I habitat types and Annex II species, – planning conservation policies in Natura 2000 sites, – legislation. In 2008 expert boards, gathered in the Province Groups of Experts, worked on new proposals of Natura 2000 sites. The results of this work will serve as a base for preparation of the final list of pSCIs. It is due to be delivered to the European Commission in autumn 2009. On 15th November 2008 the following important deeds took effects: (1) the amended Act on Nature Protection, (2) The Act on Access to Information on the Environment and Its Protection and on Environmental Impact Assessments. The major purposes of making this legislation operational were adjustment of Polish legal acts to the Law of the European Union, improvement on management of the Natura 2000 network, rationalization of rules for planning protection activities in Natura 2000 sites and improvement on procedures for conducting environmental impact assessments. Currently, under preparation is an ordinance dealing with plans of conservation tasks and conservation plans for Natura 2000 sites. The ordination defines the rules and scope of activity necessary for preparing these documents and the detailed procedure of making changes therein. According to the new legal documents, important changes ensued in the administrative structures responsible for the supervision and management of the Natura 2000 sites. Currently, these tasks have been undertaken by the recently designated (on 17th November 2008) Directorate General for Environmental Protection and Regional Directorates for Environmental Protection. In the nearest future, the most important targets for implementation of the network in Poland are: (1) preparing the final list of the Natura 2000 (mostly pSCIs) on the basis of the work of the Province Groups of Experts in 2008; (2) preparing plans of conservation tasks for the selected Natura 2000 sites; (3) improvement on procedures for conducting environmental impact assessment with reference to habitats and species protected in the Natura 2000 sites.