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Dobor i wykorzystanie nowoczesnej aparatury kontrolno-pomiarowej w doswiadczalnictwie polowym. Cz.I Oznaczanie wymiany gazowej,struktury przestrzennej i bilansu energii fotosyntetycznej czynnej radiacji roslin w lanie


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At the end of XX century a new generation of miniaturized portable equipment for measuremend of gas exchange, absorption of phytosyn- thetically active radiation (PAR), spectral composition of solar irradiation and for leaf area index in plant canopy was developed. In this work there are presented of above mentioned equipment for measurement of: - parameters of gas exchange in the canopy; - plant morphology and canopy structure; - balance of phytosynthetically active radiation and spectral composi­tion of the light in the canopy. Results of these measurements will allow for better use of agriculturai technics and cultivars to create spatial structure of a canopy and bet­ter use of atmospheric CO₂ and solar irradiation in forming of economi­cal yield. Additionally they can be a base for building of simulations models of plant growth and development under changing environmental conditions.






Opis fizyczny



  • Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa


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