W oparciu o aktualne piśmiennictwo dokonano przeglądu na temat prób nowego podejścia do oceny związków rakotwórczych w żywności i określenia warunków koniecznej tolerancji niektórych z nich, zwłaszcza tych których praktycznie trudno uniknąć lub zastąpić bardziej bezpiecznymi i równie skutecznymi w praktycznym użyciu, bądź to w charakterze substancji dodatkowych, bądź to nieuniknionych pozostałości pestycydów, czy też zanieczyszczeń środowiskowych w żywności.
The present approach to the assessment of carcinogens in food is described in the light of a literature review. In accordance with Delaney clause, these compounds should not be found in food. The advances in analytical methods have shown, however, that it is not possible to avoid the presence of trace amounts of carcinogens, natural as well as synthetic. On the basis of the maximal tolerated dose (MTD) established in animal studies the power of cancerogenic activity of many compounds was determined as expressed by the dose producing cancer development in 50% of the experimental animals. This dose has the symbol TD50, analogously to the LD50 symbol used in toxicology. On the basis of these doses a trial is presented of ranking cancerogenicity using a new index HERP which expressed the per cent of the amount of a compound taken with food in relation to TD50. Trials are mentioned also of estimating health risk on the basis of evaluation of the risk of malignancy development due to intake of a compound with food, according to the "de minimis" doctrine.