W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania nad efektywnością programu edukacji żywieniowej zrealizowanego w wybranych szkołach podstawowych w Warszawie. Analiza dotyczy wpływu tego programu na wiedzę i zachowania żywieniowe rodziców dzieci, które w nim uczestniczyły. Stwierdzono, że edukacja żywieniowa dzieci realizowana w szkołach, może być jedną z efektywnych metod edukacji żywieniowej ich rodziców.
The aim of the work was to present the analysis of the influence of school children's nutrition education program on the knowledge and nutritional behavior of their parents (110 persons). The program was realized during 10 lessons. The interview with the parents concerning their knowledge and nutritional behavior was carried before and after realization of educational program at school. One can state that changes of parents nutritional behavior was connected with the educational materials getting by children, for example higher consumption of vegetables, fruits, milk and its products were observed. An increased level of knowledge especially on sources of selected nutrients: calcium, dietary fiber was found. Education of children and youth can be seen as one of the effective educational method of their parents.