Analiza genotypowa 16 chorobotwórczych szczepów E. coli wykazała brak genu cscA u 10 i genu cscB u 11 badanych szczepów. Nasuwa to przypuszczenie, iż 10 szczepów jest niezdolnych do syntezy sacharazy, natomiast 11 jest pozbawionych zdolności do syntezy permeazy cukrozowej. Brak jednego z wymienionych genów może być przyczyną niefermentowania sacharozy przez niektóre pałeczki z gatunku E. coli.
The purpose of the study was to characterize fermentation of sucrose by Escherichia coli strains and to answer why some of these strains doesn't utilize this disaccharide. Investigations included 16 E. coli strains. Only 5 of these strains utilized sucrose. Genotypie analysis demonstrated the presence of cscB gene (encoding the sucrase permease which catalizes transport of sucrose through the plasma membrane of the cell) in 5 strains of E. coli and cscA gene (encoding an enzyme sucrase that catalizes the utilization of sucrose) in 6 strains of E. coli. These 5 of E. coli strains which possessed a chromosomally encoded sucrose metabolic pathway utilized sucrose with a different time. 3 of them destroyed this disccharide after 24 h and 2 of them destroyed it after 48 h. Ten of E. cali strains hadn't cscA gene and 11 of them had not cscB genes. The lack of these genes can be the prove that it is not possible for 11 of E. coli strains to synthesize sucrose permease and for 10 of them to synthesize sucrase and it may be the reason of not utilize disacharide sucrose by these bacteria.