W ostatnich latach wankomycyna i teikoplanina są bardzo często stosowane, a niejednokrotnie nawet nadużywane w leczeniu przeciwbakteryjnym chorych hospitalizowanych. Są lekami z wyboru zarówno w leczeniu zakażeń spowodowanych przez metycylino-oporne szczepy Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), jak i zakażeń gronkowcami koagulazo-ujemnymi.
The synergy or antagonism between teicoplanin and methicillin against the methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus with decreased susceptibility to vancomycin was studied using agar dilution and E-tests. The investigated strains were GISA and h-GISA isolated in our laboratory as well as standard. In the used range of concentrations, a synergy was shown in the case of two strains and an antagonism was shown in the case of other two strains. For the most strains the tested combination of antibiotics showed indifference. The antagonistic effect was observed in the case of the standard strain Mu3 and the one from eight strains h-GISA isolated in our laboratory.