In our study we used c-Fos protein to identify whether cells containing calretinin (CR) in the rat piriform cortex are engaged in the response to stress stimulation and to find out how this expression changes during maturation (PC). The material consisted of Wistar strain rats of between 0 and 120 days of age divided into 9 groups. Each group consisted of 5 experimental and 3 control rats. Animals from the experimental groups were exposed to the open field test throughout 10 minutes. The control animals were kept in a home cage. In all age-related control rats weak c-Fos immunoreactivity was observed. Our results showed that cells containing c-Fos following an acute open field test were observed predominantly in layers II and III of the PC just after birth. Their number then increased and stabilised on P30. We had already observed immature CR-ir cells at birth. In the 4th week of life these neurons achieved maturity. Their number increased to P90 and decreased in older animals. CR-ir neurons were localised mainly in layer II and to a lesser degree in layers III and I of the PC. Double immunostaining c-Fos/CR revealed that the level of co-localisation was low. Only small differences were observed between the anterior and posterior parts of the PC. In the anterior part a higher number of CR-ir neurons was found. The difference in the level of co-localisation between the anterior and posterior parts was age-related and differentiated. Our results may suggest that during maturation CR-ir neurons of the piriform cortex are not the main population engaged in response to the open field test.
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