The investigations were conducted in 1994-1995 in the mountain area situated 650 m a.s.l. Dynamic of growth and development of two grasses Arrhenatherum elatius and Dactylis glomerata was compared with the indigenous wild growing Holcus mollis. Every year the experiments lasted for 8 weeks, which included the period of growth from the beginning of grass vegetation till their cutting maturity. The date of the vegetation start was determined in the studies and the height of plants was assessed every two weeks, and dry mass yields and daily increase of those yields were determined. Arrhenatherum elatius was the species, which started its vegetation at the earliest date and was characterised with the greatest growth dynamic while Holcus mollis was placed the last. The biggest growths of dry mass were detected at the shooting stage. It was on an average twice bigger than in the tillering and earing stages and even between 3 and 5 times bigger than in the period after earing. At the shooting stage daily increase in Arrhenatherum elatius yields were on an average twice bigger than for Dactylis glomerata and Holcus mollis.