Wobec silnego przeludnienia wsi małopolskiej, rozwój drobnej przedsiębiorczości jest jedną z dróg zagospodarowania zasobów pracy. Artykuł zawiera charakterystykę przedsiębiorczości wiejskiej oraz przedstawia główne jej problemy.
On the basis of study conducted in 1992-1995 in selected Southern Poland municipalities authors present the scale of farming overpopulation in this region and indicate the need for alternative sources of livelihood for the rural populace. Assuming that small, non-farm related business is one such alternative, authors present the scale of its development throughout the Southern Poland counties. Additionally, based on interviews with 431 small business owners, the principal issues and problems of rural small business were described. A practical conclusion arising from the study is the postulate that local governments ought to organize small business development centers in order to assist and advise both new and existing small businesses.