One hedgehog (Erinaceus cf. lechei), two moles (Talpa cf. levantis and "Scalopoides" cf. copernici), one shrew-mole (Quyania aff. polonica), and one desman (Desmana cf. polonica) are described from a Late Pliocene (MN17) karst fissure filling near the city of Varshets. Although the material is relatively well preserved, the exact determination was not possible because of the small samples and the fact that the taxonomy of the fossil forms from these groups is in a state of confusion. Up to now Late Pliocene remains of "Scalopoides" copernici and Quyania polonica have been known from Poland only. The occurrence of similar forms in Bulgaria during the Villanyian is considered as a relic situation, due to locally favorable conditions. The described insectivore assemblage is indicative of a temperate and humid climate, similar to the present-day conditions in SE Bulgaria.