The aim of the study was to determine leeches found on the lake fishes. From the lake Ukiel, 213 roaches (R. rutilus) and from the lake Wulpińskie 202 were examined between Nov. 1988 and Dec. 1999. From the Warniak 258 roaches and 9 tenches (Tinca tinca) were examined between May 1998 and Nov. 1999. Warniak on roach (R. rutilus) 4 Piscicola geometra and Hemiclepis marginata on the fish body were found, tench (Tinca tinca) P. geometra were found on gills. Ukiel on roach Piscicola pojmanskae on gills were found. Wulpińskie on roach P. pojmanskae and Piscicola sp. as well as 2 Caspiobdella fadejewi on gills were found. Prevalence and intensity of fish infection with leeches was low in all lakes. C. fadejewi and P. pojmanskae are the first recorded on the lake fishes. Further investigations are necessary since they can result in informations conceming inhabitation of new microhabitants with P. geometra gills.