Podano wielkości medialnych dawek efektywnych uzyskanych w wyniku oznaczania methemoglobiny oraz reduktazy methemoglobinowej, przyjętych za limitujące wskaźniki reakcji ustroju na otrzymane dawki 2-, 3- i 4-nitrotoluenu.
Determination of effective and non-effective doses for nitrotoluene (NT) has been attempted. In evaluating the effects, erythrocyte methaemoglobin level and erythrocyte methaemoglobin reducates activity were used as the limiting indices of the systemic reaction to the applied doses. The same procedure which was employed to determine LD50 ± SLD50 was used to assess the effective doses in terms of ED50 ± SED50. The rank-sum test was also applied to determine the volume of the threshold effective dose (ED). The non-effective dose for the NT isomers was calculated by subtracting a value corresponding to three standard deviations from the dose ED50 (ED50-3SED50).