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2008 | 11 | 2 |

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Unifocal internal and external bone lengthening with circular external skeletal fixator in 5 dogs

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of treatment of long bone defects and extremity shortness in 5 dogs using circular external skeletal fixator. In one case a bone necrosis and osteomyelitis shortened radius by 7.0 cm; however in others extremity shortening between 3.0 and 6.0 cm affected radius-ulna or tibia. 2 or 3 rings of 80.0-100.0 mm diameters, and 3 rods were used as a circular external skeletal fixator. The distractions at the rate of 0.5 mm X 2 times/day were performed following a latent period of 3 days after the corticotomy. Unifocal internal lengthening for case 1 and unifocal external lengthening for the others were performed. Distraction was performed between 30 and 70 days (mean 50 days). It was noted that the circular external skeletal fixator was well-tolerated in all cases. The first usages of limbs in all cases were on postoperative day between 8 and 43 (mean 22 days). The radiographic follow-up examinations revealed a complete consolidation on postoperative day between 35 and 75 (mean 55.6 days). The fixators were removed on the postoperative day between 45 and 85 (mean 65 days). The treatment was successful in restoring the appropriate length of the limbs. After removing the fixator, functional and cosmetic results were graded as excellent in 3 cases, good in one case and fair in one case.








Opis fizyczny



  • Anakara University, 06110 Diskapi/Ankara, Turkey


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