Oznaczono wartość energetyczną oraz zawartość białka, tłuszczu, węglowodanów, wody, popiołu oraz składników mineralnych (wapń, fosfor, żelazo, magnez, cynk, miedź, mangan, kobalt, nikiel, chrom) w konserwach rybnych.
The work contains results of determinations of protein, fat, carbohydrates, water, ash, energy value and minerals (Ca, P., Fe, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Ni, Cr) in 22 species of canned fish. The components were determined by general approved analitycal methods. Minerals like Ca, Fe, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Ni and Cr were determined by the flame ASA method. Phosphorus was determined as phosphates by colorometric method with ammonium molybdate. Mean percentage content of protein, fat, carbohydrates, water, ash and energy value were: 6,6-18,8; 1,8-48,6; 0,0-10,9; 36,1-82,1; 1,1-4,3 and 68-494 (285-2068 KJ) respectivly. The contents of minerals according to the products of canned fish were as follow: 132-611 mg% P.; 29-597 mg% Ca; 1-40 mg% Mg; 1,2-11,7 mg% Fe; 0,83-3,22 mg% Zn; 0,07-1,02 mg% Cu; 0,01-0,27 mg% Mn; 0,002-0,031 mg% Co; 0,005-0,079 mg% Ni and 0,012 - 0,056 mg% Cr. The analysed canned fish are food products rich in valuable protein, fat and minerals of animal origin.