Praca zawiera wyniki izolacji grzybów z żywych, nie wykazujących objawów chorobowych, igieł Abies alba i Picea abies. Określono częstotliwość utajonych infekcji igieł oraz skład gatunkowy i ilościowy grzybów zasiedlających żywe igły w różnych porach roku. Dla zbadania wpływu osłabienia drzewa na zasiedlenie igieł przez endofity, u części drzew dokonano sztucznego zranienia gałęzi.
Fungi were isolated from living needles not showing symptoms of disease collected from 25-year-old Abies alba and 20-year-old Picea abies growing on the montane forest site in Myślenice forest management unit.The needles of the 1th, 2nd. 3rd and 4th suit were taken from three branches in the lower part of the crown of each tree, about 25 needles оf each suit. For the first time the needles were collected in May 1993. After this collection, fir and spruce alike, one tree was treated as a control, and on two trees partial girdling at branch bases was done (1/2 or 2/3 of circumference and 6 cm in length). The needles from such branches were collected in September and December of 1993, and in March 1994. Surface sterilization of needles was made by submerging in 96% ethyl alcohol (60 sec.), 4% NaOCl (4 min.) arid 96% ethyl alcohol (30 sec.). After drying each needle was cut into two parts (basic and apical) which were placed on 2% malt agar medium. In total 720 fir needles (1440 fragments) and 720 spruce needles (1440 fragments) were examined. Fungi were isolated from 12.5% оf Abies alba needles and 67.2% of Picea abies needles. In all trees there was an increase in infection during the period from May to September and in most trees a decrease between December and March of the next year. In general the frequency of colonization of needles by fungi was increasing with their age This frequency differed considerably from tree to tree. Branch injury had no significant effect on infection frequency. Out of 36 species of fungi isolated from fir needles Anthostomella formosa (2.9%) and non-sporulating fungus No 529 (1.9%) were the most frequent ones. From spruce needles 45 species of fungi were isolated, and Lophodermium piceae (54.6%), Mollisia cinerea (2.7%) and Sirococcus sp. (4.2%) were the most frequently represented species.