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2009 | 61 Supplement |

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Genetic structure of Picea abies populations growing on extreme sites as revealed by isoenzyme markers: a case study from Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Three populations of Norway spruce from ecologically extreme environments in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were examined for genetic polymorphism. The spruces there grow in specific forest communities (Sphagno-Piceetum) which represent the remnants of the post-glacial vegetation. The aim of the study was to search for similarities in the genetic variation among populations adapted to such conditions. In total, 10 isoenzyme systems involving 16 gene loci were analysed. The results showed differences in genetic differentiation at loci Got-B, Skdh-A and 6-Pgdh-C between the two Slovenian populations and the Bosnian population, but also indicated an interestingly close relationship between the Slovenian population Pohorje and the Bosnian population Nišići.





Opis fizyczny



  • University of Sarajevo, Zagrebacka 20, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


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