The aim of the analysis conducted on the street lawns in Warsaw was to specify the share of grasses in the sward. Floristic research was conducted by means of phytosociological record method according to the Braun-Blanquet's school and it analysed plant cover. Furthermore, the research compares grasses share in sward depended on soil salinity. According to research from 1999-2001 the street lawns comprised of 80 species, out of which 16 were grass species. External belts of street lawn sward comprised of 55 plant species, with 12 grass taxa. Internal belts of street lawns comprised of 61 plant species, out of which 14 were grass species. The percentage of plants in middle belts of the street lawns reached 96% of plant cover and in side belts - about 70% of the plant cover. External belts of street lawns comprised from 24 to 33 dicotyledonous plants and 3 to 9 grass species. Grass species constituted 21.0-38.6% of street lawn's plant cover. The electrolitic conductivity reached from 0.8 to 1.2 mS cm⁻¹. Research compared individual species' share in lawn sward and it showed that, among grass species, Agropyron repens, Setaria pumila, Puccinellia distans, Festuca rubra and Bromus hordeaceus have the highest indices of plant cover. Internal belts of street lawns comprised from 20 to 29 dicotyledonous plants and 6 to 10 grass species. Grass species constituted 26.8-40.4% of street lawns' plant cover. The electrolitic conductivity reached from 0.3 to 0.45 mS cm⁻¹. Research compared individual species' share in lawn sward and it showed that, among grass species, Festuca rubra, Lolium perenne, Agropyron repen, Bromus hordeaceus and Dactylis glomerata have the highest indices of plant cover.