Oznaczano zawartość azotanów i azotynów w całodziennym pożywieniu dzieci przebywających w żłobkach i przedszkolach z terenów wokół zakładów przemysłowych i dla porównania z terenu odległego o ok. 40 km od tych zakładów. Stwierdzono wielokrotnie większą zawartość tych zanieczyszczeń w pożywieniu niemowląt i dzieci z terenów leżących w pobliżu zakładów przemysłowych.
Nitrates and nitrites content was quarter-yearly assayed by spectrophotometry in full day's portions of food, served to infants and children in day nursery and infant schools situated around the Chemical Works („Kędzierzyn" and „Blachownia"), Kędzierzyn-Koźle. Results were compared with those obtained in full day's sampled from day nursery and infant schools located in a village Głubczyce, about 40 km away from plants mentioned above. Data are presented to show three times as large nitrates and nitrites level in food derived from day nursery and infant schools situated in the neighbourhood of chemical works, as that found in the control. Moreover, markedly greater nitrates and nitrites intake from full day's food of day nursery infants and pre-school children in spring-summer time than that in autumn-winter time, was noted.