Oznaczono stężenie polichlorowanych dibenzo-p-dioksyn (PCDDs) i polichlorowanych dibenzofuranów (PCDFs) w tkankach trzech grup ptaków morskich - wszystkożernych (mewa pospolita Larus canus), rybożernych (nur rdzawoszyi Gavia stellata, alka krzywonosa Alca torda, nurzyk podbielały Uria aalge) i drapieżnych (bielik Haliaeetus albicilla), z części południowej Morza Bałtyckiego. 2,3,4,7,8-penta-CDF i 1,2,3,7,8- penta-CDD wykryto w największym stężeniu, a w mniejszym wiele innych mniej toksycznych PCDDs i PCDFs.
PCDDs and PCDFs have been determined in the adipose tissue, liver or breast muscle of a few marine birds, including mixed-feeders (common gull), fish-eaters (redthroated diver, razorbill, guillemot) and predator species (sea eagle) collected from the south coast of the Baltic Sea. High levels of 2,3,4,7,8-penta-CDF and 1,2,3,7,8-penta-CDDD as well as of numerous less toxic PCDD/Fs were found in all samples. A relationship could be observed between the position of the test species in the food chain and body lipids PCDD/Fs concentrations, which were lower for the common gull than for a typical fish-eater and highest in the white-tailed sea eagle.