The aim of this study was the evaluation of membrane permeability of callus cells of several Polish meadow fescue cultivars, which were treated with toxins of two leaf spot pathogens Bipolaris sorokiniana and Drechslera dictyoides. Fungus metabolites were obtained by the method described by Lepoivre et al. (1986). Calli of cultivars ‘Skrzeszowicka’, ‘Skawa’, ‘Westa’, POB 282, POB 383, KOA 186 have been selected on medium with metabolites for two weeks. Next the conductivity test of electrolyte leakage and of total ion contents in the examined tissue was done. On the base of this data the membrane permeability coefficients for each cultivar were calculated. Toxins of B. sorokiniana damaged the cell membranes more strongly than metabolites of D. dictyoides. The significant differences of several objects sensitivity to the influence of B. sorokiniana metabolites were stated. These differences were not observed in the case of the influence of D. dictyoides metabolites on the examined tissue.