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Descriptions of Pseudosteineria horrida [Steiner, 1916] and P.ventropapillata sp.nov.from the White Sea with a review of the genus Pseudosteineria Wieser, 1956 [Nematoda: Monhysterida: Xyalidae]


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Pseudosteineria ventropapillata sp. nov. (White Sea) belongs to the species group with the amphids situated just anteriorly to the long cervical setae. The new species differs strongly from other species of this group in having a number of preanal midventral supplementary papillae of various sizes. Pseudosteineria horrida (Steiner, 1916) is redescribed from specimens from the White Sea. Its geographical area includes the coast of Greenland, Barents Sea and White Sea. An amended generic diagnosis of Pseudosteineria is presented. This genus now consists of eleven valid species. A key for their identification is given.









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  • Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899, Russia


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