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2008 | 59 | 1 |

Tytuł artykułu

Wystepowanie arsenu w srodowisku i w zywnosci


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The occurrence of arsenic in the environment and food

Języki publikacji



Głównymi źródłami zanieczyszczeń powietrza i gleby związkami arsenu jest przemysł wydobywczy węgla kamiennego i paliw płynnych oraz górnictwo i hutnictwo metali nieżelaznych. Na obszarach gdzie przemysł ten jest dobrze rozwinięty obserwuje się przypadki zatruć przewlekłych wśród mieszkańców. Stałe monitorowanie stopnia zanieczyszczenia produktów spożywczych związkami arsenu jest więc koniecznie zwłaszcza w tych rejonach.
The main source of air and soil contamination with arsenic compounds is mining industry of coal and oil as well as mining and metallurgy of non-ferrous metals. The cases of long-drawn arsenism were observed among inhabitants of regions where such industry is well developed. The long term, regular exposure to arsenic compounds both food and inhalation manifests in skin lesion and troubles in functioning of blood, neural and breathing systems. The purpose of this study is the latest literature review concerning contamination of air, soil and potable water with arsenic. The content of arsenic in the comestible produce varies and depends on kind ant origin of the produce. The biggest amount of arsenic in the daily ration came from potable water. The determined amount of arsenic ranged within 1 - 5300 µg/L comes from countries where earth water is used as drinking water, which means that allowable contents specified by FAO/WHO experts is exceeded more than one hundred times. The common inhabitant of developing countries consumes 400 - 650 g of rice weekly. The average contamination of rice with arsenic is 0.57 - 0.69 mg/kg, which means the intake of this element on the level 30% - 45% PTWI (Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake). The relatively small arsenic contents is characteristic for vegetables and fruits (<0,1 mg/kg), higher amount is observed in leaf vegetables (up to 0.6 mg/kg) and potatoes (0.86 mg/kg). The similarly low arsenic contents (<0.1 mg/kg) is characteristic for the meat produce. Among animal produce the largest quantity of arsenic is determined in fish and seafood (1.5 - 11.2 mg/kg). The introduction of EU regulations in Poland resulted in resignation of the arsenic contents limitation in food, however the continues monitoring of the contamination level with compounds is necessary, particularly in the industrial areas of the country.








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  • Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wroclawiu, ul.Norwida 25, 50-375 Wroclaw


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