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Refugia srodpolne jako siedliska rzadziej spotykanych i zagrozonych gatunkow pajakow [Araneae] w Polsce


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Refugial areas in farmland as habitats for rarely found and threatened species of spiders [Araneae] in Poland

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Praca przedstawia faunę pająków zasiedlających zadrzewienia śródpolne kępowe i pasowe oraz miedze. Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie tych środowisk jako ostoi gatunków pająków rzadkich i zagrożonych w Polsce. Badaniami objęto cztery zadrzewienia i dwie miedze na Nizinie Południowopodlaskiej w latach 1998–2000 oraz cztery zadrzewienia w Wielkopolsce w okresie dwóch miesięcy (kwiecień i maj) 2007 roku. Próby pobierano za pomocą pułapek Barbera oraz czerpaka entomologicznego. W badanych siedliskach stwierdzono siedem gatunków pająków narażonych na wyginięcie według Czerwonej listy zwierząt ginących i zagrożonych w Polsce, oraz 14 gatunków rzadziej stwierdzanych. Większość zagrożonych gatunków odnotowano w zadrzewieniach śródpolnych: Ero cambridgei, Xysticus luctator, Marpissa radiata, Thanatus arenarius, natomiast na miedzach występowały: Porrhomma errans, Porrhomma microphthalmum oraz Clubiona diversa. Zarówno wymienione gatunki pająków, jak i rzadziej stwierdzane taksony związane są ze środowiskami mniej lub bardziej wilgotnymi. Należy dążyć do zachowania w krajobrazie rolniczym zbiorników i cieków wodnych oraz miedz i zadrzewień jako refugiów zwiększających poziom bioróżnorodności
Spider assemblages of clump midfield woods and balks from Eastern Poland and of forested strips of Western Poland are presented, among them seven species from the Polish Red List of Endangered Animals were found. Moreover, 14 spider species rarely found in Poland were stated in studied agricultural landscape. Spiders were collected with pitfall traps and sweep-net from April to October, once a month. The spider material from the Nizina Południowopodlaska lowland was taken in the years 1998–2000 and the samples from the Nizina Wielkopolska lowland were taken only for two months (April–May). Three studied clump midfield woods in the Nizina Południowopodlaska lowland were small (0.1– –0.8 ha) patches of landscape, whereas shelterbelts in the Wielkoposka region were forested strips of 10– 36 meters wide. The two studied balks were narrow uncultivated stripes covered with grass and weeds. Spider species mainly characteristic for forests were abundant in the woody clumps and stripes, whereas agrobiont spiders were more abundant in the balks. Four endangered spider species were found only in eastern Poland: Clubiona diversa (in the balk), Ero cambridgei and Marpissa radiata (in the clump midfield wood with two ponds) and Porrhomma microphthalmum (in both studied balks), one endangered species was collected in a shelterbelt in Wielkopolska – Thanatus arenarius, whereas two species were common for both regions: Porrhomma errans (collected in the balk and in the shelterbelt) and Xysticus luctator (stated in the one clump midfield wood and in two shelterbelts). Spider species rarely found in Poland (especially in farmland) recorded in the uncultivated patches were: Allomengea scopigera, Allomengea vidua, Argenna subnigra, Bathyphantes setiger, Diplocentria bidentata, Ostearius melanopygius, Erigone longipalpis, Palliduphantes insignis, Syedra gracilis, Tapinocyba biscissa, Liocranoeca striata, Hahnia nava, Pardosa saltans and Drassyllus lutetianus. Most of these species were earlier stated in humid natural or semi-natural areas. The small water bodies or draining ditches in the studied sites were able to ensure the proper humidity for above mentioned spiders. It seems very important to maintain wet areas in the farmland as habitats for endangered and rare spider species.








Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Srodowiska Rolniczego i Lesnego PAN, Stacja Badawcza w Turwi, Turew, ul.Szkolna 4, 64-000 Koscian


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