This paper deals with the evaluation of the in fluence of paclobutrazol (N-dimethylaminosuccin - amic acid) and 2-naphtoxyacetic acid on rooting and growth of GF-677 hybrid peach rootstocks. The influence of these substances on the average number of roots per plant, the aver age length of roots per plant and the height of plants was evaluated as well as the effect of the addition of paclobutrazol before and after media sterili sation. As the ob tained results indicate, plants, which were rooted on media with paclobutrazol and with out auxin had the low est number of roots per plant. Paclobutrazol showed a statistically significant negative effect on both the length of roots and the height of plants. It canbe concluded that, for the rooting of GF-677 rootstock it is help ful to use auxin plus paclobutrazol in concentration 0.43 μM. Higher concentrations affect inhibition, mainly in height of plants 14 days after transplant to soil.