Artykuł uzasadnia potrzebę wprowadzenia w Polsce krajowych standardów urbanistycznych - obowiązujących (niezależnie od standardów - zaleceń, również pożądanych), jako jednego z narzędzi ochrony wartości publicznych - w tym praw obywatela do odpowiedniej jakości środowiska - przed ich drastycznym naruszaniem, zarazem naruszaniem zasad rozwoju zrównoważonego. Proponowane standardy są efektem prac nad tym tematem, prowadzonych w IGPiK w latach 1996-1997 (w ramach PB-4).
The subject of the paper is the protection of public values in physical planning, more precisely, the instruments of the protection in new political and legal conditions of our country. The term „values" should be understood here as spatial values which constitute the common weal including the rights and well-being of a citizen who is affected directly or indirectly by planning decisions. Considering their character or social rank, these values are in principle non-local. They result from and condition:the sustainable development of areas, which includes the inhabitants' proper standard of living as well as the rational management of space and public investments. The new Physical Planning Act of 1994, which rightly restored the prerogative and the rights of private owners and municipalities to administer their areas, does not provide adequate instruments for the protection of public values, in particular, non-local (regional) ones. The aim of the paper is to present such instruments. With the situation being as it is, the urban planning standards, which define acceptable ratios or the conditions of land use, constitute the best such instrument. The proposal of such standards was put forward and worked out between 1996 and 1997 in IGPiK (Institute of Physical Planning and Municipal Economy). Their subject and limits were determined on the basis of: - the obligations of Poland resulting from the documents of the UN which refer to the problems of the environment and development, especially the „Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and Habitat II in Istanbul in 1996, - the directives of the European Union concerning urban environment, in particular Green Paper on Urban Environment, Brussels 1990, - the experience of the European Union countries as regards the protection of non-local public values in planning, - the results of the observation of country's situation in the last few years, which concern physical planning and its disturbing effects. The Polish experience in the field of spacial values protection and standardization was also taken into consideration. The range and the concern of compulsory standards - in its first edition - are restricted to pressing problems which need to be dealt urgently because of their social rank, the common occurrence and because of the degree to which they endanger accepted goals. Eight groups of standards fulfilling these criteria are distinguished. The proposed standards concern: - the protection of the natural environment which is urbanised (this includes particularly the protection of the natural systems in towns and areas), - the conditions of urbanised space zoning (the creation of multifunctional zones and defining the rules restricting their use) - the intensity of land exploitation (the limits imposed on development in the zones, including the minimum and maximum intensity of building development, the admissible degree (expressed as a percentage) to which a given plot can be built over, - the conditions of building development in view of the users' health (the supplement to the existing regulations), - recreational areas (reserving a minimum of area for various recreational functions in the structures of towns), - services (defining the minimum space requirements to locate the indispensable social infrastructure), - transport (defining the conditions of and restrictions on the accessibility of cars, access to public communication, the building of safe roads for cyclists and pedestrians) - the protection of suburban environment (against the unrestrained development of towns by including those areas into the zone of reinforced protection of Green Belts type). At the next stage of work, standards - recommendations will be described (to be used at the discretion of municipalities and designers) which show the desired directions and qualities of development. Together with the above-mentioned standards they should constitute the Polish „Urban Planning Code" which would be open to further development and updates. Thus it is assumed that research work on standards is of continuous nature.