The investigated material consisted of 74 wild birds representing 17 species, which due to various reasons (injuries, weakness, freezing) were delivered to the Division of Poultry Diseases during 2005-2007. Antibodies directed against NDV, REOV, EDS'76 virus, Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) and S. Enteritidis (SE) were examined in blood serum using ELISA kits. Antibodies against NDV were detected in six mute swans (75.0%), two mallards (50.0%), four white storks (20.0%), one sea eagle (50.0%), one buzzard (20.0%), and in a common scoter. Two of the investigated sea eagles (100%) were infected by EDS'76 virus. Antibodies against this virus were noticed also in seven mute swans (87.5%), seven white storks (35.0%), one mallard (25.0%), one herring gull (12.0%), and in a sparrow hawk. Thirty of the investigated birds belonging to seven species were infected by reovirus: seven mute swans (87.5%), six herring gulls (75.0%), two mallards (50.0%), 11 white storks (55.0%), two buzzards (40.0%), and one sea eagle (50.0%). High levels of ST antibodies were detected in 34 examined birds - seven herring gulls (87.0%), three buzzards (60.0%), 14 white storks (70.0%), five mute swans (62.5%), one sea eagle (50.0%), and one mallard (25.0%). Similar results were obtained when SE antibodies were detected.