Breeding selection of slaughter poultry aimed at assuring fast body weight gains of birds has resulted in the occurrence of various forms of chronic diseases, including deep pectoral myopathy, also known as green muscle disease. The objective of the study was to determine the hygienic and technological value of meat of turkeys originating from flocks with diagnosed green muscle disease. The experimental material comprised 376 samples of the major and minor pectoral muscle from post-production turkey hens. The samples were subjected to microbiological analyses as well as determinations of pH, water binding capacity, color and chemical composition (fat, protein, water). The results obtained enabled concluding that, in terms of microbiological assessment, the meat originating from turkeys affected by the green muscle disease may be acknowledged as suitable for consumption. In turn, due to negligibly diminished technological value, resulting from deviations in pH value, water binding capacity, color and chemical composition, the authors postulate considering the advisability of stipulating separate qualitative standards for meat originating from post-production turkey hens.