The paper aims to analyze the changes taking place agriculture support policy in years the 1986-2006 in chosen countries with level of the development. One paid attention on occurrences which were characteristic for the process of the globalization and had the worldwide dimension and which appeared only in definite groups of states. One anatomized the influence of the level of the development in different seizures on the structure of the support and happening in her changes. Degree of development of each states measured prevailed which measure is GNI PPP per capita permits to explain relations among each groups of states, however not disproportions in each countries. The dependence among the size of retransfers to the agriculture in the count to the output level of the farm with relation to of the national income per capita one can introduce through the mediation of the right line, with reference to the average value of favored groups of states. The process the globalization and the growing part of connections on the international market, in this also negotiations led at first within the framework of GATT and then WTO caused, that the elasticity of the indicated dependence surrendered to the enlargement in 1990s.
Przedstawiono zmiany zachodzące w polityce wsparcia sektora rolnego w latach 1986-2006 w wybranych krajach o zróżnicowanym poziomie rozwoju. Zwrócono uwagę na zjawiska, które były charakterystyczne dla procesu globalizacji i miały wymiar ogólnoświatowy, a które występowały jedynie w określonych grupach państw. Przeanalizowano wpływ poziomu rozwoju w różnych ujęciach na strukturę wsparcia i zachodzące w niej zmiany. Zwrócono uwagę na istniejące dysproporcje w poziomie wsparcia.