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Rosliny klonalne lak i pastwisk: morfologiczne i fizjologiczne wlasciwosci i przystosowania

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The processes determining the formation and structure of grassland community are realised at threee levels: the genetic individual (genet, clone), the population and the community. Clonal plants are the dominant species in a grassland community. Clonal growth, modular structure of the plants, as weil morphological and physiological properties and adaptations such as: modification of shoots to form stolons and rhizomes, morphological and physiological integration of modules (ramets), disintegration of the clone and independence of rooted ramets, and growth and death of ramets in the life cycle of clonal plants, inlfuence the life span of the genet, the way of the clone's spreading and the position in the community. The above traits have a significant influence on the regeneration of plants after mowing and grazing, as weil as on the resistance to environmental disturbances. The possibility of increased population abundance through generative and vegetative reproduction is a characteristic trait of clonal plants. Clonal growth of plants, the pattern of spatial formation of the clone, interactions and reciprocal compromises between the species in the neighbourhood have a significant influence on the coexistence of various species in a grassland community. Clonal plants are adapted to mowing and grazing. The abandonment of seminatural grassland causes unfavourable changes to the community structure and its species composition.






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  • Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, ul.Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa


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