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1993 | 49 | 07 |

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Wplyw komorek ziarnistych i komorek oslonki wewnetrznej na dojrzewanie in vitro oocytow klaczy


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The ovaries from 173 mares were collected at the time of slaughter from September 1991 to September 1992 and follicles (5—20 mm in diameter) were isolated and dissected to obtain oocytes for culture. 669 oocytes were subjected to one of four different culture treatments: Gr. 1-medium with oocytes, Gr. 2-medium plus 3 X 10⁶/ml granulosa cells plus oocytes, Gr. 3-medium plus 0.3 X 10⁶/ml theca interna cells plus oocytes, Gr. 4-medium plus granulosa and theca interna plus oocytes. The oocytes were cultured for 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 hrs. After culture cumulus cells the expansion and stage of nuclear maturition was determined. The majority of oocytes reached full nuclear maturition after 30 hrs. The best results — full dispersion of cumulus cells in 96% and 97% of the oocytes and metaphase II in 75% and 77% of the oocytes — were obtained after 36 and 42 hrs’culture of oocytes with theca interna cells, respectively.








Opis fizyczny



  • Akademia Rolnicza, Al.Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Krakow


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