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2006 | 09 | 1 |

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The effect of soil properties on yielding and cadmium accumulation in some crop plants

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In Poland, soils contaminated with cadmium constitute about 1.6 % of arable lands whereas in the œlšskie province they make up 21.5 % of agricultural lands. Because of the fact that the metal is counted among the most dangerous environmental poisons, research was undertaken to determine soil properties most impacting plant growth and their ability of cadmium accumulation. The studies were conducted as a pot experiment on 15 soils diversified as to their properties, which might affect solubility of cadmium contained in them and its bioavailability. Oats, rape and maize were cultivated in each of the soils. Sensitivity of the tested plant species to soil requirements and ability for cadmium accumulation by plants were decreasing in the following order: rape > maize > oats. From among the tested soil properties acidification most affected the uptake and accumulation of cadmium in rape, whereas soil organic carbon concentration affected it to a lesser degree. Cadmium uptake by rape was increasing with the growth of these soil properties. Oats and rape developed mechanisms alleviating the results of soil properties affecting cadmium adsorption from the substratum.








Opis fizyczny


  • Agricultural University of Krakow, al.Mickiewicza 21, 30-120 Krakow, Poland


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