Legal regulations concerning regional policy, were defined in Poland considering the conceptions, course of activities and the procedures being currently in force in the EU. However, there is still a lack of flexibility just at the stage of describing the basis of this policy. Every province in Poland fulfils the condition of accessibility to the means from the aim no. 1. There is no region, where the level of gross domestic product per capita would exceed 7 5% of the EU level. Consequently, only rarely the additional criteria (unemployment level) are used, that regionally differentiate the division of Preaccesive Funds. According to the latest studies, the distance among the communes within one province is much bigger than the average difference among 16 regions. However, there is no established method of division of the means among the communes. Thus, the whole regional policy becomes inflexible and does not consider such an essential problem - the distance between the country and urban areas, as the poorest communes should be identified just with the rural areas.