The present study was carried out to investigate contamination of heavy metals in 19 fish species from the Banan section of Chongqing in the Three Gorges, yangtze River. The results showed that the mean concentrations of heavy metals were higher in intestine than muscle, except zinc in upper strata. In the fish inhabiting the upper strata, there were significant differences between mean concentrations of As, Cr, Cu and H in muscle and intestine (P <0.05). There were also significant differences between mean concentrations of Cr and Cu in muscle and intestine in the fish inhabiting middle strata. however, significant differences between mean concentrations of As, Cd, hg, Pb and zn were measured in fish inhabiting bottom strata in both intestine and muscle tissues (P <0.05). For the fish inhabiting different strata, the concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, H and Pb in muscle and intestine of the fish from bottom strata (BS) were higher than those in both upper strata (US) and middle strata (MS); whereas a higher concentration of zn was measured in muscle and intestine from fish inhabiting upper strata. Mean metal concentrations were found to be higher in age II than those in age I in Coreius heterodon (2- and 1-year odl fish respectively). The overall results indicated that fish muscle in the Banan section were slightly contaminated by heavy metals, but did not exceed Chinese food standards.