Paper focused the attention on universal character of the physics laws which describe the processes and systems both, in the living and inanimate world. Due to that biophysics and agrophysics have been developed. These dyscyplines investigate the physical processes occurring in living organisms and systems of agriculture' interest (e.g. in the soil); biophysics and agrophysics are partly overlapping. Many phenomena important for agriculture (e.g. soil structure and interactions that determine it, water transport in the soil, transport of water and mineral fertilizers in the soil - plant system, effects of the temperature, radiation and other factors on the crop yields, substance permeation through the membranes, and others) which are subjected to physics laws can be investigated with the physical methods only. The knowledge of selected branches of physics enables the students of agricultural sciences to understand the physical phenomena occurring in systems they have to deal with, and thus may help them to develop the agriculture for the benefit of mankind.