Ectomycorrhizal communities structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. (Karst.) was studied in four mature forest stands: Brenna, Salmopol, Zwierzyniec and Mirachowo. Morphological classification was used to distinguish the major mycorrhizal types associated with spruce in different forest types. Three of the foreststands were located within the natural geographical range of Norway spruce (Brenna, Salmopol, Zwierzyniec) and one (Mirachowo) was located in so-called “spruce-less zone”. The sites differed in terms of environmental pollution. The mountain sites (Brenna, Salmopol) were characterized by relatively high levels of air pollution. The upland forest stand (Zwierzyniec), located in the southeastern part of Poland, was affected by a moderate pollution. The lowland stand in northern Poland (Mirachowo) was free from direct impact of anthropogenic pollution. The level of mycorrhizal colonization was 100% at all the study sites. Thirty-seven mycorrhizal morphotypes were distinguished in total. The number of ectomycorrhizal morphotypes varied between sites from 12 in Salmopol to 28 in Zwierzyniec. From one to three dominant morphotypes were found at the study site. Site-specific morhotypes were also observed. The frequency of mycorrhizal morphotypes differed between the forest stands.