Floristic and ornithological studies were carried out primarily in years 2002 and 2003 in the region of southern Wielkopolska within the confines of the Przygodzice Fish Pond complex. The complex covers the area of several hundred hectares of which a considerable part is taken up by fishponds, while the remaining area is occupied by forests and grass communities - both meadows and rushes. The Przygodzice Fish Ponds constitute a well-known and important ornitho-fauna shelter of European importance. The goal of the investigations was to ascertain the role of meadow communities and their plant cover in the quantitative and qualitative development of both breeding and migrant birds of the discussed region. The analysis of the list of bird species identified in the entire complex of the Przygodzice Fish Ponds in the years 1998-2001, which was prepared on the basis of our own research as well as studies conducted by other authors revealed that 61% of the entire ornitho-fauna of this area is closely linked, at various stages of their biology, with grass communities, mainly with meadows, and 35% of these birds are breeding species native of these communities. Detailed quantitative investigations on the bird populations were carried out within the framework of this study on two 70 ha arcas, marked off from two meadow complexes differing with regard to the intensity of their utilisalion and plant cover. The breeding ornitho-fauna of the examined complexes turned out quite similar with regard to the number of species but differed regarding their quality. Such bird species as: Crex crex, Gallinago gallinago, Saxicola torquata, Locustella naevia, Emberiza schoeniclus preferred meadows of distinctly mosaic plant cover dominated by rush plants and such grasses as: Phalaris arundinacea, Phragmites australis or Glyceria maxima, which had not been utilised for several years or utilised irregularly with neglected drainage ditches. On the other hand, such species as: Coturnix coturnix, Vanellus vanellus, Tringa totanus or Saxicola rubetra nested exclusively or in large quantities on meadows, which were utilised regularly with sward where pasture grasses prevailed. These meadows also turned out to be more attractive for migrating birds. The unqueslionable ornithological value of the Przygodzice Fish Pond complex depends, to a considerable extent, on the presence within its confines of meadows of various degrees of utilisalion and diversified plant cover. Their reduced utilisation, even to total abandonment, may lead to the quantitative and quatitative impoverishment of the ornitho-fauna of this region.