W niniejszej pracy określano mechaniczne właściwości łodyg rzepaku ozimego odmiany Jupiter podczas rozwoju roślin. Stwierdzono, że warunki uprawy roślin wykazały istotny wpływ na zmienność mechanicznych właściwości łodyg.
Mechanical properties displayed through rigidity, maximum bending stresses evaluated in the process of stem bending, as well as the dynamic cut energy and the energy of the dynamic cut falling per stem cross-section unit were evaluated in this paper. The investigations were carried out on plant stems of the Jupiter variety of winter rape during florescence and during full filling of the siliques. The plants were cultivated in various agrotechnical conditions (seeding density of 20, 40, 60, and 80 plants/m² and greater dose of nitrogen fertilizing). Differentiation of the mechanical properties of the stems caused by cultivation conditions was stated. The research showed that the resistance characteristics of rape plant stems is directly related to plants' resistance to lodging.