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2007 | 53 | 3 |

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Roznorodnosc gatunkowa drzew a produktywnosc ekosystemow lesnych


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Species diversity of trees and productivity of forest ecosystems

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The long-lasting debate concerning relationship between the species diversity and productivity of ecosystems has been recently revived, primarily as a result of numerous well-designed experiments conducted in grasslands. Their results showed, that although monocultures of fast-growing species can be more productive than species mixtures in environmental conditions close to an optimum, the reverse can be true in case of biotic stress, for example a drought. Therefore in long run ecosystems containing many species can be in effect more productive than monocultures of fastest-growing species. In case of forest ecosystems the situation is much less clear; conducting experiments in forests is very difficult and only recently several large-scale experiments have been established in boreal, temperate and tropical forests. Most of the data concerning relationship between species diversity of trees and productivity of forest ecosystems come from observational studies in long-term sample plots or from large-scale forest inventories; they span relatively short time, so the question concerning stability of high levels of productivity remains unresolved. Many of the recent studies focused on analyzing macroecological patterns, especially in tropical rainforests. The results showed, that the variation in productivity, although substantial, is very low compared to the enormous variation in species richness; some of the tropical forests are dominated by a few tree species, while in the others number of species per one sample plot can be larger than the number of tree species native to the entire continent in boreal and temperate regions. Results of macroecological studies need careful interpretation, as the environmental factors vary a lot among analyzed study sites, obscuring the effect of species richness on ecosystem productivity. In most cases presented in the literature the relationship between the number of species and productivity is positive; there are also many examples of a humped-back relationship, with the maximum richness at a moderate level of productivity, and several well documented cases of a negative relationship between number of species and tree stand production. The questions: which pattern is the most common one, and what is the temporal variation in productivity of forest ecosystems with various numbers of tree species, remain open.








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