Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w okresie od maja 1991 do kwietnia 1992 r., na obszarach dwóch gmin-dzielnic Warszawy i siedmiu gmin warszawskiej strefy podmiejskiej dotyczących problematyki gospodarowania gruntami na obszarach zurbanizowanych. Zagadnienia te stanowią jeden z elementów problemu badawczego dotyczącego zagospodarowania przestrzennego gmin, w początkowym okresie działania samorządów terytorialnych i reformowania gospodarki. Całość pracy podzielono na dwa etapy. W pierwszym (zakończonym) skoncentrowano się na analizie stanu istniejącego, popartej badaniami empirycznymi, dotyczącymi realnych działań w zakresie gospodarki gruntami podejmowanych w poszczególnych gminach oraz rozpoznaniu warunków prawnych i organizacyjnych gospodarowania gruntami w kraju w okresie transformacji ustrojowej. Etap ten został zakończony sformułowaniem wielu wniosków dotyczących warunków, możliwości oraz realizacji działań w tym zakresie. W drugim etapie prac przewiduje się możliwość skonstruowania i zaproponowania zarządom nowych zasad, narzędzi i instrumentów działania w zakresie gospodarowania gruntami w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej i prawidłowo funkcjonującego rynku nieruchomościami.
The research undertaken by the Division for Development of Urban and Rural Areas of the Institute for Physical Planning and Municipal Economy concerned the physical development in communities in the initial period of territorial self-governments'activities and economic reforms. Within the framework of this research, the problem of management of grounds in urban areas had been raised. The aim of this part of research (at its first finalized stage) was to recognize the present state and the legal and organizational conditions for creation of communal grounds'stock. Transformations in the political and economic system introduced in 1990 evoked a need for adaptation of principles and means of management to the new situation. Important is also a new attitude towards both the grounds and the rights of private owners of grounds and buildings. Changes arose, in the first line, in the role of territorial self-government which became an authentic manager of a given area and simultaneously one of the grounds'owners and participant in real estate market. This allows the territorial self-governments to manage actively their grounds and to get an insight into the management processes of their areas, as in accordance with the act on territorial self-governments, the grounds'management belongs just to the basic tasks of the community. Communal grounds'management as well as the communal property existed in Poland up to 1950. In a later period, this property was, as a whole, taken over by the State Treasure and was designated as „nationwide property" given by the State to particular subjects for use. Consequences of such a state of things are well known. Reactivation of the communal form of property was introduced in 1988 but its application is practically observed from May 1990 on. Communal grounds are a basic element of communal property and, having a determined value, they should take part in operations, protecting and even enlarging this property so as to realize benefits in form of both satisfaction of needs of their population and augmentation of income to the budgets of communities. The principles for management over particular elements of the communal property are based on general legal regulations being in force. However, each community should, in order to accomplish its assumed tasks, establish its own management policy. As a result of research, it has been stated that such circumstances, like: -excessive prolongation of the process of communalization, -regain, as a result of this prolongation, of grounds and buildings which remain in possession of other subjects, -lack of invention to acquire the grounds by means of administrative decisions (i.e. not only by the force of law), -insufficient experience in managing the communal property did not allow the territorial self-governments as far to formulate any principles of a fully conscious policy as to the management of the communal property, including the grounds. The results of research and observations show that certain changes in the legal regulations in this scope are necessary. The conclusions adopted as a result of this research comprise three basic groups of problems concerning changes in regulations connected with the process itself of communalization of grounds, changes in the law on the physical development, particularly as to the scope and procedure concerning the preparation of local plans. These conclusions are addressed, in the first line, to the legislative power, local authorities and self-governmental organizations.