The examinations were carried out on 40 healthy rabbits of mixed breed and sex weighting from 1.8 to 2.2 kg at the age of 12 weeks, i.e. at the beginning of the experiment, and 3.0 to 3.2 kg (20 weeks old) at the end of the examinations. The blood samples were taken 9 times at intervals of 7 days from the peripheral ear venas of rabbits, after which the ability of blood elements for adherence and phagocytosis was determined; moreover, the spontaneous and stimulated NBT tests were done. In addition the activity of myeloperoxidase in the blood cells, serum lysozyme activity, the level of IgG and total immunoglobulins expressed in ZST units were evaluated. The examinations revealed an increased tendency of adherence, nitrotetrazole reduction, the production of serum IgG, phagocytosis, and a drop in the amount and activity of serum lysozyme. No changes were observed regarding the myeloperoxidase activity, the percentage of phagocitizing cells and the amount of serum immunoglobulins calculated in ZST units. It was found that only the index of phagocytosis and spontaneous NBT test reduction were in accordance with data presented by other authors. The findings in respects to the percentage of phagocitizing cells differed significantly.