The large intestine of eight Micro mammalia species, of the orders Insectivora (Sorex minutus, Sorex araneus) and Rodentia {Sicista betulina, Clethrionornys glareo- lus, Microtus oeconomus, Apodemus flauicollis, Mus musculus, Cavia porcellus) were studied. Both the length and surface area of the mucosa of the alimentary canal are strongly associated with food hydration, In M. oeconomus, feeding exclusively on green parts of plants, the large intestine dominates the totai length of the alimentary canal (35% of length). In omnivorous S. betulina and A. flavicollis, the length of the large intestine is 30% of total length of the canal and only 20% in M. musculus fed with dry and granulated food. The large intestine of the rodents (but S. betulina) is divided into caecum, colon and rectum. The caecum is best developed in M. oeconomus, where the relative value of the caecum is 5.54 mm/g and the surface area is 97.07 mm2/g of the body weight and least developed in M. musculus - 1.24 mm/g and 13.34 mmJ/g. In insectivorous shrews, the large intestine is very short and non-differentiated into segments. Its proportion in the length of the alimentary canal amounts only to 6.5%. The relative value of the length of the large intestine is between 1.34 mm/g of body weight (S, araneus) and 2.01 mm/g (S. minutus).