Gospodarowanie zasobami wodnymi powinno być zgodne z wprowadzaną w państwie polityką ekorozwoju. Powiązanie planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego z instrumentami zarządzania gospodarką wodną stanowi ważny czynnik przy realizacji polityki gospodarowania zasobami wodnymi. Zapewnia ono z jednej strony respektowanie w planach zagospodarowania przestrzennego uwarunkowań ze strony gospodarki wodnej, z drugiej zaś umożliwia dostosowanie zadań gospodarki wodnej do planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego wynikających z określonej polityki gospodarczej i przestrzennej na danym obszarze. Należy uznać, że prawne uregulowanie tego powiązania jest niezbędnym warunkiem traktowania gospodarki wodnej jako czynnika współdecydującego o koncepcjach rozwoju gospodarczego poszczególnych regionów i kraju.
Water management is one of the most important elements which are essential for sustainable development, i.e., the preservation of equilibrium between developments in the natural, economic and social environments. Hence, it is significant in creating the environmental policy of the State. The present poor state of water management in Poland is above all an effect of improper use of water resources, inefficiency of investments and of engineering and operational processes, and faulty planning, legal-economic and organizational mechanisms. The ensuring of appropriate linkages between the instruments of water management and physical plans is of essential significance for the implementation of the sustainable devlopment policy. This opportunity is created by the work already under way on the grounds for the work of regional water management authorities which are pursuant to the draft of the new water law and the existing law on physical planning. The procedure of developing, agreeing upon and passing physical plans which it envisages should be applied by administrative units of water management to ensure that: the conditions of water management arc respected in physical plans, the tasks of water management are adapted to physical plans which result from the economic and planning policies in a given area. This requires, however, thai many organizational and legal steps should be taken, as they precondition the provision of the aforementioned two-way linkages.It is necessary to undertake them in order for water management to be treated as one of the factors which determine the concepts of the economic development of particular regions of the country. An evaluation of the possibilities and conditions of change in the so far applied practices, in the light of the draft of the new water law and that on physical planning, is the leitmotif of this article.