The aim of the research was to make a preliminary determination of the effectiveness of the in duc tion of haploids in Capsicum frutescens L. In order to induce androgenesis red and yellow fruit forms of species were used, each bred by the re searchers on their own. The experiment was per formed in October. An ther cultures were conducted according to a modified me - thod developed by Dumas et al. (1981) for C. annuum L. The anthers were laid on CP medium con taining 0.01 mg·dm⁻³ 2.4-D and 0.01 mg·dm⁻³ kinetin, with the addition of 0.5 g·dm⁻³ of activated carbon and 5 mg×dm⁻³ of silvernitrate, solidified with 8 g·dm⁻³ of agar. The cul tures were in cu bated in the dark at 35 deg C for 8 days. Next they were trans ferred to 25 deg C under a 12-hour photoperiod. After 14 days of induction, anthers were trans ferred to R₁ medium supplemented with 0.1 mg·dm⁻³ kinetin. Obtained embryos were subsequently transplanted onto V₃ hormone-free me dium and well growing plants were planted in green houses. The efficiency of androgenesis for both C. frutescens L. forms was relatively low and it did not exceed 5 %. The ploidy level of the result ing plants was determined by flow-cytometric analysis. The regenerants con sisted of about equal numbers of haploids and diploids. Additionally, among plants regenerated from anthers of yellow fruit forms, two mixoploids were observed.