W 29 wybranych koncentratach obiadowych, wśród których znajdowały się koncentraty zup, sosów i deserów, oznaczono zawartość ołowiu, kadmu, chromu, cynku, manganu, miedzi, niklu i żelaza metodą spektrofotometrii atomowo-absorpcyjnej.
Lead, cadmium, chromium, zinc, manganese, copper, nickel, and iron content of 29 din- nerconcentrates (powdered soups, sauces, and desserts made by Amino Works, Poznań, or Winiary Factory, Kalisz, in 1992 - 1993) was determined by AAS method. The following average concentrations were found: lead - from 0.033 (cream pudding) to 0,161 mg/kg (mushroom sauce); cadmium - from 0.003 (some desserts) to 0.083 mg/kg (one od soups); chromium - from 0.026 (raspberry pudding) to 0.750 mg/kg (bouillon powder); zinc - from 0,22 (pineapple jelly) to 22.20 mg/kg (bean soup); manganese - from 0.13 (cream pudding) to 15.20 mg/kg (bean soup); copper - from 0.16 (cherry pudding) to 6.48 mg/kg (bean soup); nickel - from 0.030 (raspberry pudding) to 1.956 mg/kg (bean soup); iron - from 1.54 (lemon jelly) to 102.80 mg/kg (bean soup). Microelements tolerances specified for home food products, were found not to be exceeded.