Restoration of grassland sward is aimed mostly at improving their production and quality of obtained fodder. There are two legumes and three grasses species in deteriorated sward - preservation by means of reasonable management and fertilisation or with the aid of oversowing i.e. by introducing seeds of valuable grasses and legumes into existing sward. The oversowing experiments have been conducted on pasture in mountainous region site. Orchard grass appeared to be a species of highest production (28% of total) among grasses initially used and its rate has been increasing for consecutive years up to 50% of total in fifth year. The maximum proportion for white clover was 24% and for birdsfoot trefoil 18%. Both mineral fertilisation and oversowing appeared to improve production of pastures. Limited nitrogen fertilisation together with oversowing has resulted in its 25-33% rise. As regards undersowed pasture objects the best result was observed in the perennial ryegrass and white clover sward.
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