Badania planów miejscowych wskazują na wiele niejasności w sprawach zadań i niektórych zasad planowania miejscowego. Ujawniają także niedostatki warsztatu urbanistycznego, dotyczące zwłaszcza stosunku do przeszłości oraz treści i formy ustaleń planów. Ustawa o zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym wprowadza istotne zmiany do planowania miejscowego, porządkujące jego strukturę i zadania. Ulegają zaostrzeniu wymogi, wynikające z prawnego charakteru planu miejscowego jako przepisu gminnego.
In 1992-1994 a number of local plans made in 1988-1992 were studied. This paper presents the results of the studies as referred to the following major problems: tasks and structure of local plans, socio-economic problems, attitude to the past, objectives of plans and their flexibility. These problems are dicussed against the articles of the Law on Physical Planning, giving consideration to the usefulness of the results of the studies in the current conditions of local planning. The Law introduces essential changes in local planning, ordering its structure and goals, which were quite freely interpreted in the plans under study. The socio-economic issues, which were formerly extended without sufficient grounds, practically vanish. An essential objection is raised by an indifferent attitude to the past in the plans under study - both to previous plans and to physical management processes. Most doubts and objections are raised by the records of decisions in the plans, in terms of both their substantive and formal range. This issue requires special attention: assignments in a local plan are the main factor coupling the plan and the processes of its implementation, while the way in which the assignments are recorded determines their success. The records of assignments should be instrumental from the substantive and legal points of view, and the significance of this requirement is enhanced by the point of the Law which recognizes a local plan as a legal regulation (for the gmina).