W kilku rodzajach pieczywa cukierniczego trwałego, produkowanego w różnych zakładach na terenie kraju, oznaczono zawartość wybranych pierwiastków. Porównano otrzymane wyniki z danymi innych autorów dotyczącymi tej grupy produktów oraz oceniono je w świetle krajowych wymagań odnośnie zawartości metali w produktach spożywczych.
Lead, cadmium, nickel, zinc, manganese, copper, iron and magnesium content was determined in sixteen kinds of home-origin confectionery products. Product samples were incinerated at 450°C and the content of manganese, copper, iron and magnesium was determined directly from the aqueous phase by flame AAS. Cadmium, lead and nickel were also determined by flame AAS using ammonium- pyrrolidindithiocarbamate (APDC) as complexing agent and organic-phase 4-methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK). Mean concentrations of lead and cadmium were 0.050-0.140 mg/kg and 0.013-0.044 mg/kg, respectively, while the detected values ranged from 0.030 mg/kg to 0.285 mg/kg and from 0.009 mg/kg to 0.058 mg/kg, respectively. Nickel concentrations were from 0.050 mg/kg to 0.790 mg/kg, zinc ranged from 2.40 mg/kg to 13.60 mg/kg, and manganese from 2.50 mg/kg to 9.00 mg/kg. Copper contents were within 0.55 mg/kg to 5.65 mg/kg range and iron ranged from 7.00 mg/kg to 56.50 mg/kg. Magnesium content ranged from 100 mg/kg to 810 mg/kg. The concentrations of the toxic metals (lead, cadmium) and those of zinc and copper were found to be within the values specified by respective Polish standards and may be considered to be moderate.