Eastern roe deerCapreolus pygargus bedfordi Thomas, 1908 occurred throughout China historically, but today are only found in 7 provinces. Their populations in China have been greatly impacted by human disturbances. Little is known about what kinds of human disturbances impact their distribution and resource requirements for survival. A survey was conducted over 20 661 ha located at the Erkehe Forestry Farm in the Lesser Khingan Mountains, northeastern China. Field work lasted from January to March, 2006 and January to March, 2007, and a total of 613 plots were visited along 28 sampling transects. Predictive models of easter roe deer resource selection were developed with or without the inclusion of human disturbance factors. Whether human disturbance exists or not, eastern roe deer retained strong links to patch size and patch density of low shrub and swamp, and the probability of moose occurrence. Low shrub and swamps created after logging provide more abundant annual shoots for food, and were vital for survival in harsh winters. When human disturbance was not modeled, eastern roe deer avoided higher density of bothBetula platyphylla andLarix gmelinii patches at a landscape scale, and larger mixed coniferous and broad-leaf patchs at local scales. Once human disturbances existed, eastern roe deer occurred in areas with higher NDVI and they had a considerably lower probability of presence in areas associated with roads and with a forest harvest interval of 4 years. Consequently, to predict effects of human disturbance on eastern roe deer spatial distribution, models need to incorporate effects of other competitive species, multiple spatial scale resource variables respectively, which will provide more value information for management and use of eastern roe deer population.