The influence of submerged macrophytes on composition, abundance and distribution of epiphytic and benthic chironomids was investigated in five lakes differing in the development of vegetation cover. Studied lakes represented three types, classified according to the concept of Alternative Stable States as: macrophyte dominated MD (dense vegetation), phytoplankton-macrophyte dominated PMD (sparse, patchy vegetation) and phytoplankton dominated PD (lack of submerged vegetation). Both zoocenosis responded differently to the changes in macrophyte cover. The density and biomass of benthic midges (density and biomass per m² of bottom surface) were visibly higher in the patchy vegetated lakes; the abundance of epiphytic chironomids did not show any regularity. The species composition of epiphytic chironomids differed visibly between particular lake types, changed with the decrease of macrophyte cover. The composition of benthic midges was similar in all lake types. The studies showed a strong dependence of the proportion of epiphytic to benthic chironomids on the cover of macrophytes. In MD lakes the phytophilous midges were more abundant than benthic; in PMD lakes we observed the opposite pattern.