Badania owocników gąsówki nagiej Lepista nuda przeprowadzone za pomocą metod chromatograficznych i spektralnych wykazały obecność kwasowych pochodnych tryptofanu: kwasów 3-indolooctowego (IAA) i 3-indolopropionowego (IPrA) oraz produktów biochemicznej degradacji tryptofanu: kynureniny i 3-hydroksykynureniny. Dwa ostatnie produkty nie byty obecne w hodowli mycelialnej tego gatunku, która zawierała głównie kwas 3-indolooctowy i tryptofan.
Indole secondary metabolites of the edible mushroom species Lepista nuda (Bull.: Fr.) Cooke carpophores were determined by several chromatographic (TLC, PTLC, HPLC) and spectral (EIMS, 1HNMR) methods. For comparison, the same metabolites were assayed in the mushroom mycelium cultivated in vitro. Two acids biogenetically related to tryptophan were detected in the mushroom carophores, i.e. 3-indoleacetic (IAA) and 3-indolepropionic (IPrA) acid. Besides, two other tryptophan degradation products were detected: kynurenine and 3-hydroxykynurenine. In the cultured mycelium, 3-indoleacetic acid was detected as the major metabolite, along with the native tryptophan aminoacid. The results may suggest that an enzymatic system capable of breaking down the pyrole ring of the indole structure is present in the carophores of the studied mushroom species.